Rasmus Ronn

Rasmus Ronn

I was born in Aalborg, Denmark in 1980 and am currently working as an airline captain for a large European carrier. My flying career began in 2006 and eventually took me to Berlin, Germany where I have lived since 2007 and still do.

I have had a dream of writing novels for well over twenty years, but it was only in 2023 that I finally went through with it. 'Cold Subterfuge' is meant to be the first in a series I have planned with the same main characters - subject to readers actually enjoying the first book.

It is my debut novel, so I welcome any and all feedback.


Cold Subterfuge

 John Sedo never imagined his chief danger lay in the hands of such an unlikely peril.

As the winners seek a new order in 1947 after a world at war, a young soldier is recruited by the CIA. The tension between the former allies grows rapidly and while the fabric of the impending iron curtain is woven, the agent is cast into the fray. Where...

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